Dr. Mark Jackwood
B.S. Universidade de Delaware 1978, Junho
M.S. Universidade de Delaware 1982, Dezembro
Ph.D. Universidade Estadual de Ohio, Dezembro
O enfoque da pesquisa doDr. Jackwood é a análise molecular do vírus de bronquite infecciosa para o desenvolvimento de métodos melhores de diagnóstico e controle da doença. Sua especialização é em virologia molecular e biotecnologia.
Publicações selecionadas
- Jackwood, M. W., Hilt, D.A., Callison, S.A., Lee, C-W, Plaza, H., and Wade E.D. Spike Glycoprotein Cleavage Recognition Site Analysis of Infectious Bronchitis Virus. Avian Dis. 45:366-372. 2001.
- Lee, C.W. and Jackwood, M.W. Spike Gene Analysis of the DE072 Strain of Infectious Bronchitis Virus: Origin and Evolution. Virus Genes 22:1, 85-91. 2001.
- Lee, Chang-Won, and Jackwood, M.W.: Origin and Evolution of Georgia 98 (GA98), a New Serotype of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus. Virus Res. 80:33-39. 2001.
- Lee, C-W., Brown, C.C., and Jackwood, M.W. Tissue distribution of avian infectious bronchitis virus following in ovo inoculation of chicken embryos examined by in situ hybridization with antisense digoxigenin-labeled universal riboprobe. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 14:377-381. 2002.
- Jackwood, M.W., Hilt, D.A., and Brown, T.P. Attenuation, safety and efficacy of an infectious bronchitis virus GA98 serotype vaccine. Avian Dis. 47:122-127. 2003.
- Kapczynski, D. R., D. A. Hilt, D. Shapiro, H. S. Sellers, and M.W. Jackwood. Protection of chickens from infectious bronchitis by in ovo and intramuscular vaccination with a DNA vaccine expressing the S1 glycoprotein. Avian Dis. 47:272-285, 2003.
- Jackwood, M.W., Hilt, D.A., and Callison, S.A. Detection of Infectious Bronchitis Virus by Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction and Identification of a Quasispecies in the Beaudette Strain. Avian Dis. 47:128-134. 2003.
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